Body positivity is a prominent issue that has recently risen to the top of beauty and fashion conversations. Certain body types and sizes have been deemed most acceptable by society for many decades. The fashion industry has gone a long way in accepting all shapes and moving away from fat phobia, with Sabyasachi incorporating plus-sized models in his shoots, campaigns, and fashion weeks including plus-sized individuals. There is also a growing awareness on skinny-shaming, a less common but nonetheless widespread kind of body shaming for persons who are 'too thin,' flat-chested, or exceptionally slim. Not only that, but body positivity entails accepting all of your "flaws" as seen by society — body hair, acne, blemishes, stretch marks, darker skin tones, and so much more. The body positivity movement arose from a desire to broaden the spectrum of bodies deemed acceptable by society. With bold and uncompromising individuals like Aashna Bhagwani, Dolly Singh and Sakshi Sindwani flying the flag for various plus-size bodies, the mainstream discussion about body acceptance is evolving.
A brief history of body positivity:
Body positivity has its origins in the late 1960s fat acceptance movement. The phrase "body-positive" first appeared in 1996, when a psychotherapist and an eating disorder patient launched the website The contemporary body positivity movement emerged around 2012, primarily concentrating on opposing excessive feminine beauty standards. A number of magazines, instagram and organizations have included attempts to be more body positive in their articles, marketing initiatives and brand awareness in recent years. Some magazines have ceased airbrushing models, while certain well-known brands have created marketing campaigns that include messages about body positivity.

What causes or triggers body positivity:
One of the primary objectives of body positivity is to address some of the ways in which body image impacts mental health and well-being. A healthy body image influences how people feel about their looks and even how they perceive their own value. Poor body image can lead to a variety of issues, including:
- Depression: Women suffer from depression at a considerably greater incidence than males, and body dissatisfaction may play a part in explaining this gender disparity in depression rates.
- Body dissatisfaction is connected with low self-esteem in teenagers regardless of gender, age, weight, race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background, according to research.
At Mada Sasa, we feature drape dresses, cowls, kaftans, kurtis or even tunics in an array of sizes and colors so that every woman may enjoy her wardrobe. Be it a one piece dress, an outfit for cocktail party, or any outfit, our size-inclusive and body-positive philosophy ensures that everybody has a great experience while engaging in retail therapy. We include real women wearing our apparel as models because representation is vital. What you get from our store gives you a preview of how you may appear.
Body positivity seeks to address these difficulties by assisting people in recognizing the factors that lead to negative body image. Such acceptance may therefore aid in combating the negative effects of poor body image on mental and physical health.